Saturday, November 19, 2005

Coming soon...

a joint Lisa-Tara HP4 blog. Be still, your beating hearts. :)


Christine said...

how was the movie????

PS EXCELLENT job on Sim Tara! She's "fast" as they say and I know that can be difficult to document.

Lisa said...

WELL worth having to sit through biochem on 2 hours of sleep the next morning. Yahoo for midnight o'one showings!

And thanks- if you have any ideas about things I could do to... er, I mean, stuff Tara and Nova could do, pass 'em along. Group projects are fun.

Christine said...

are you in grad school? nobody frickin' tells me anything!

Lisa said...

I'd tell you, but then I'd be killed for betraying the Code of Keeping Christine in the Dark. Eh, I'll risk it. I'm taking courses I need to apply for grad school. Biochem's the only grad course I'm taking, the rest are super easy. Well, not statistics, sometimes. I want to go to grad school for genetic counseling, so I need biochem and psych (the science class at Valpo I didn't take because I was busy taking REAL science classes... good call, Lis) and stats for some of the programs. And I'm taking ethics just to learn how the other half lives. Like a field trip. :) Anything else I can fill you in on?

Tara said...

Please stop speaking as if I'm a puppet under your control. :) I drink Red Bull and that gives me wings.