Thursday, February 23, 2006

Noch steckend es zum Mann

Sad that Christine was the first, I am the second, and we have YET to see a real, live blog entry from Ms. Tara regarding her expatriation. (I am not as brave as Christine, and have been chastened to the point where any further disclosure of Tara's last name will NOT come from me.) Anyway, in what I will pretend is a tribute to Christine's great blog but is actually flat-out idea theft I too have come up with a list of things that will remind me of Tara as she hookers it up in Germany...

gutting rental cars, DERifting off to sleep, staying up WAY too late, countless acts of nerdery including but not limited to the attendance of two concurrent midnight showings of HP4 as well as our subsequent 4 a.m. discussion thereof, that thing with the cactus that doesn't need to be brought up again, Dr. Mario, those awesome, awesome CC evaluations, font-matching on Mary's door, PENIS (and I shudder to think of the Google searches that little inclusion will bring me), watching that kid fall off the bike in While You Were Sleeping until I think we wore a hole through the video, Lois and Clark, shotgunning wine (never, ever a good idea no matter what Tara may say), the 'wind beneath my water wings/ do you know who you remind me of?' night, the noble interrobang, that monkey on the roof, "I'm what doctors call 'tired.'", Denny's, The Sims, Alisha's grandpa, the Gamer, Scarlett and how she copied me, and oh my God this list is quite long but last and certainly not least what do you have GOATS in there for?!


Tara said...

Dude, I've seen a lot of things in my life, but that... was... awesome! I'm going to start a list now in an attempt to test my memory. I can already tell you that I will not aDERress as many as you did.

Christine said...

i prefer list format. easier on the eyes.

Tara said...

What DO you have goats in there for??