After an interview in Chicago this past weekend, I went a bit out of my way to stop by
Valpo on the way home. I'd been there since graduation and had already seen the new library, including the Matrix-
esque journal retrieval robot. Travel tip: DO ask to see this if you go back, DO NOT look at the rest of the library or the discrepancy between it and the library we knew will make your head explode. I present you now with a photo journal in however many parts it takes chronicling both my self-tour of campus and some precious memories of the time I spent there. Enjoy.
Marvel at my cinematographic
skillZ, my taste in music and my apparent aversion to using my windshield wipers.

The new road leading past "that Chapel" and the new library, a fine showcase of the wonderful opportunities
Valpo has to offer. Strangely, Alumni Hall was not included on this greatest hits tour, but I'm sure the ongoing construction will eventually correct this oversight.

Memorial Hall, home sweet home of Sophomore "
Everyone's Crying But Me" Year as well as half of Junior "Live in a Triple? Sure, I Can't Foresee Any Problems There: Love You Catie And Rachel
BFF" Year. Now, apparently, there's a (gasp) road leading right to the front door, which seriously blows my mind. It almost makes the fact that the main doors of the dorm face in the complete opposite direction of the rest of campus logical. No, that's a lie. But I'm sure the campus
feng shui went up a few points, or whatever units in which one measures
feng shui.

Is it blasphemous to refer to the 'ass end' of a Chapel? I don't see why it would be, and since I'm too lazy to look up the real term for this portion of it, the ass it shall be. Also, the large stick of bells near the Chapel and the front of the
CLI...R. It sure is shiny.

And opposite the Chapel... a disgusting muddy mess. The old library is gone, having no doubt collapsed in upon itself once the thirty books that once resided there were removed.
Hmm library memories... Rachel used to work in the back room sniffing glue or something in exchange for minimum wage (
yah!). One time Catie and I decided to ninja ourselves along the walls and through the bushes to peek in at her through the windows and mock her with our freedom. I don't really remember the outcome of the story, so maybe it wasn't the best one to share here. Another time we were walking past the library back to Alumni and kicking white puffy dandelions. Most of them had been kicked, so we were fighting over the few that remained. I spotted one in the distance and thought the best course of action was to tear ass over to it and claim it as my own. When I reached the weed, however, I was cruelly betrayed by both my foam
flip flops and the laws of friction as both my feet went out from under me and I landed square on my ass. And then my friends caught up to me, laughing their fool heads off, and kicked the flower I had suffered for. Ah, memories.

Skeleton of the new union, I'm guessing. See that banner on the
lamppost? One time during the summer before senior year, I was walking around campus and saw one on the ground. I wanted one very badly, so after taking an inventory of my visibility, I scooped that baby up and brought it home, hiding it along my outside leg to hide it from any authorities. Hey, it always works in the movies. It lived on the wall of our fantastically decorated living room for the rest of the year, and has probably been thrown out along with the inflatable glitter guitar, the plastic glow-in-the-dark skeleton and the life-size poster of Mike
Singletary. Sigh. Cleaning is not always a good thing.
That's all for tonight, kids. Tomorrow we'll explore the areas surrounding campus and some favorite buildings from the other side of the construction zone.