Wow. So, it's been a while, huh. Well let's do a recap of what's new with me, shall we? If anyone reads this anymore, which I doubt.

And the best family vacation EVER. Check the
KFW blog for some good quotes.

I was accepted into Northwestern University's Genetic Counseling program for this fall.
Woot! I'll be moving to Chicago, since the program is affiliated with the medical school and therefore right downtown. I've never been a big-city girl before, so
that'll hopefully provide copious amounts of blogger fodder. My acceptance marks the first time in my academic career that I will attend a school with colors that don't totally suck. High school: maroon and white. Ugh.
Valpo: brown and gold. I think I've already been quite clear on my feelings about that. NU: purple and gold! Loves it! The mascot is also an upgrade. I went from being a looting, pillaging Viking to being a politically incorrect Crusader to being a totally respectable Wildcat.
Rowr. Interesting fact: three of the five kids in my family are now wildcats of three separate institutions. We're working on a cheer or something. So if you live in Chicago or know things about Chicago, let me know. So far I've been watching
While You Were Sleeping and
Return to Me to prepare myself for what my life will no doubt be like.

I executed the most incredible tactical defense of a shower my bathroom has ever seen. I went to take a shower the other day, forgetting that I had trapped a rather large,
spindly spider in there the previous evening. I guess I forgot that spiders can, you know, walk up walls, but apparently so did he because that disgusting little bastard was still chilling in my shower the next day. With ninja-like dexterity I turned the
shower head on and slammed the door before he could even move. I then retrieved a stool to stand on, allowing me to exact my
aerial revenge on his very existence. The spray from the
shower head wasn't enough to wash him down the drain, nor were the openings in the drain large enough for him to be washed away without chance of a spread-eagle hang-on. For reasons which I don't feel I need to enumerate, I have a line of empty conditioner bottles perched atop my shower door. I grabbed the first one and lined up my drop: a complete miss. Well, at least now my aim was calibrated. Second drop: direct hit. His scurries became frantic as I dropped my final deep conditioning
missile, which resulted in a glancing blow. I had to finish him off or risk his eventual spidery revenge, so I found a
face wash bottle and let it fly. Apparently the water had softened his exoskeleton (a phenomenon much like cereal becoming mushy in milk, no doubt) because he
exploded in a shower of legs and abdomen and
cephalothorax, all of which washed neatly down the drain. Don't even try to cross me, class
Arachnida, because I will destroy you and my hair will look fantastic while I do it. BOOM, baby.

Today's my golden birthday! If you don't know what that is, you've clearly never lived in Wisconsin, because that's the only place people have ever heard of that concept. Also, I'm tired of typing this. So I'm out of here. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, and if you didn't send any, consider our friendship terminated.
i am NOT COOL with spider pics. nasty. i couldn't even finish reading the damn post.
oh yeah congrats on NW!
hilarious. i like the last sentence of the spider're like sitcom crime-fighter woman..they always look good.
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