Monday, June 14, 2004

What I Learned in England

10. If you need to 'get used to it,' it probably isn't good for you.
9. Everything is not a crisis.
8. Torp is a great multipurpose word.
7. Sleeper trains- one of the many things that sound like a good idea, but aren't.
6. 'Ziznevy Pez' means 'The Thirsty Dog' in Czech, but when said with a slightly off accent, it means 'tell these Americans what these words mean and then give them incorrect directions to get there.'
5. Spanish is handy for negotiating shower coins in Austrian castles.
4. Ewan MacGregor makes a comfy bed.
3. If you ever find yourself in the midst of a Flemish festival with giant scary arm creatures and a naked statue, just go with it.
2. Cambridge students know how to make queues fun.
1. It's easy to pick out the rich penguins.

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